We have often heard in recent years about digital transformation, its necessity and its benefits for business and governments at first. According to Gartner IT Glossary's terminology, digitization is the process of changing from analog to digital, also known as digital empowerment, and in another way digital transformation takes a representative process and changes it to a digital form without any different changes in the process itself. The concept of digital transformation reflects a conceptual evolution from Mechanization to Automation; mechanization provides the use of human muscles while automation provides the use of human governance, and mechanization removes physical work, while automation also removes mental work. Automation is replacing human thinking with computers, machines and expert systems, and can help create jobs for skilled workers at the expense of unskilled and semi-skilled workers. What are the requirements for digital transformation? There are several requirements for digital transformation among the most prominent: the digital strategy is the beginning, not the technology - adherence to the principles of digital transformation, such as: the commitment of senior management, the setting of ambitious and clear targets, securing financial investments to launch the transformation, the launching of fast-paced projects, the appointment of the launch team, and the organization of new and elegant ways of working through the creation of a digital unit in the organizational structure). - The promotion of digital culture: it goes beyond the daily work in digital work and describes something broader and more precise, including recognition, exploration and joint enjoyment of various tools, environments and digital realities that provide information about the work and facilitate it; this requires building the momentum needed to bring about the desired cultural change. - Digital initiatives to obtain quick returns. - Digital capacity-building (The modernization of information technology to play a strategic role) - the adoption of a new operational model for governance in government organizations that conforms to the general principles of digital governance and the specificity of government organizations within their local environment. We are in the stead of supporting enterprises in their various areas of digital transformation and providing them with all services and advice.